Memorable Moments in Grad. School - Fall 2011-Spring 2013
My journey in graduate school began in the fall of 2011. I decided, because of my love for learning and technology, to embark on an exciting adventure to get a Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction in Technology. I will highlight the wonderful things I've learned along the way and my struggles as a digital dinosaur taking on the world of technology in the 21st century.
Introduction to Graduate School
As I began this introduction to online learning, I soon learned that all of the technology that I had learned and used in my classroom was only the beginning of what I needed to learn to get my students ready for learning in the 21st century.
I was back in the classroom learning BUT not a traditional classroom but an online classroom. WOW! Quite overwhelming until I got the hang of it. I also suddenly had to learn about APA writing. That was very new to me after all I graduated with my Bachelor's Degree almost 40 years ago and our papers never had to be in APA writing. But with the help of a wonderful instructor and great online peers, I managed just fine. Speaking of online peers or classmates, that was another adjustment. For a shy person, it was great to be able to have discussions with others in the class. What was so different was not being able to see or hear my classmates, only read what they would write and then ask questions to clarify or for more information. Then I would have to wait for a reply which in a traditional classroom the dialogue is ongoing. But there is much to say for taking time to think about what someone has said and then respond.
The first course is done now onto my major courses.
I was back in the classroom learning BUT not a traditional classroom but an online classroom. WOW! Quite overwhelming until I got the hang of it. I also suddenly had to learn about APA writing. That was very new to me after all I graduated with my Bachelor's Degree almost 40 years ago and our papers never had to be in APA writing. But with the help of a wonderful instructor and great online peers, I managed just fine. Speaking of online peers or classmates, that was another adjustment. For a shy person, it was great to be able to have discussions with others in the class. What was so different was not being able to see or hear my classmates, only read what they would write and then ask questions to clarify or for more information. Then I would have to wait for a reply which in a traditional classroom the dialogue is ongoing. But there is much to say for taking time to think about what someone has said and then respond.
The first course is done now onto my major courses.
Technology Foundations
Now just as I was getting the hang of working in the Angel, the university decided to switch to Loud Cloud. So everything I learned in my intro. class just went out the window. let's learn the system and tackle the course.
Now I learned about digital citizenship and made a brochure geared for my students. I learned about ePortfolios and had to set up mine through Task Stream. I experienced my first online CLC group. Now it can often be difficult working in groups in a traditional setting but try working as a group online, different study schedules and different time zones. But we successfully completed our collaboration and communication tools chart. A very useful product that we put together. Our second CLC project was on eLearning Opportunities. The three of us taught different levels so it gave us many different resources to our technology database. My final project which also had to be submitted to my ePortfolio was on the virtual classroom.
Now I learned about digital citizenship and made a brochure geared for my students. I learned about ePortfolios and had to set up mine through Task Stream. I experienced my first online CLC group. Now it can often be difficult working in groups in a traditional setting but try working as a group online, different study schedules and different time zones. But we successfully completed our collaboration and communication tools chart. A very useful product that we put together. Our second CLC project was on eLearning Opportunities. The three of us taught different levels so it gave us many different resources to our technology database. My final project which also had to be submitted to my ePortfolio was on the virtual classroom.
Strategies and Integration of Productivity Software
Oh my....what have I got myself it is getting pretty technical. I really just wanted to know how to effectively use technology in my classroom. I was about to find out what productivity software is. My instructor was about to find out that I had lots of questions. Therefore, we had many conversations on the telephone to clarify what all these new terms meant. Wow! Thank you Amy Yoder for being so patient with me!!!
It was during this course that I would have to create a database. Now that would mean....the dreaded spreadsheet! I did successfully create my database and show the information three different ways which was easier than I thought. more thing learned! My final work was writing a argumentative essay about the pros and cons of two different productivity software in 250 words. Now that was a challenge...mainly because I had never written that type of essay before. I manage to complete it with some could have been better! I'm learning....
It was during this course that I would have to create a database. Now that would mean....the dreaded spreadsheet! I did successfully create my database and show the information three different ways which was easier than I thought. more thing learned! My final work was writing a argumentative essay about the pros and cons of two different productivity software in 250 words. Now that was a challenge...mainly because I had never written that type of essay before. I manage to complete it with some could have been better! I'm learning....
Digital Media
This class had me learning to use Prezi to map out my Public Service Announcement, learning about digital photography and using a storyboard to create a digital story. I also learned about fair use and copyright laws. Now those are very confusing at times but learned some basic rules to follow so I wouldn't get into trouble with copyrighting. Now my biggest challenge for this course was creating the digital story. The digital story part was easy but I had to add music, text and voice. Now talk about retakes.....I finally finished my amazing 3 minute digital story about the stream after many trials and errors. Our CLC was an amazing group. Josh and Roberto were a great help....they are both great with technology. But we put together our math tutorials and embedded it into the Wikispace that the instructor created for the different groups.
Development and Design of Media in Educational Setting
Now I was about to get confused over terminology. Now what are web authoring tools? Thank you Keith DeLorme for spending time explaining and explaining and explaining again. Did I suddenly feel like those students in my classroom that just don't get it? Yes, I did.....another lesson learned in so many ways. I learned about Instructional Design Principles and evaluate three programs on their instructional design. Blooms Digital Taxonomy and Multiple Intelligences were very useful in this course as I created an interactive storyboard. I created a lesson on Weather-Clouds. My interactive storyboard was on Clouds. Now the lesson plans that went with this lesson on Clouds was a very detailed lesson which included "anticipatory set". Now how many people include that in their lesson plans? I think we do it but may not write in down or give as much thought to it as maybe we should. My interactive storyboard lesson was my ePortfolio piece for this course.
Multimedia Instructional Strategies
So I was fortunate enough to have the same instructor again....Keith DeLorme. He of course was probably saying not her So now what did I struggle with in the last class...oh yes....web authoring tools. We were yet again going to talk about them. And Mr. DeLorme was going to have to teach me again and again via the telephone. For my ePortfolio project I did a Fable Webquest in zunal. Check it out at . I also create a multi-media instructional guide in booklet form. For our CLC, we had to critique each others webquest. It is never easy critiquing our colleagues work but it can be a time of professional growth and the wisdom of word choice.
Assessment and Technology
As the title of this course implies, I learned about assessment using technology. I learned about formative and summative assessments. I created a lesson in wikispaces on adjectives. I had to write a 1500 word essay summarizing the best practices of research-based articles about assessing the technology used in student activities in the classroom. Again, I had to remember APA guidelines. One would think that 1500 words is a lot, however, I actually wrote a little more than 1700 words when you included the references. I guess I have more to say than I think I I also had to do an analysis of writing assessments of two students in my class. The paper had to include data collected from various assessments used to assessment their writing. My ePortfolio piece was creating student ePortfolios which I did in wikispaces. Having younger students, I thought this was the best option that I have found so far.
Distance Learning
This class would be a challenge for me as it began right after my car accident in which I sustained brain trauma. With this brain trauma, I experience short-term memory and word retrieval issues along with speech issues. Although the university has given me a 504 plan for some of the assignments, much of this class is the discussion questions and CLC which I do not get extensions on. It was at this point I was seriously considering dropping the course but again I had a wonderful instructor, Dr. Jennifer Goldberg who encouraged me to keep coming. It was her encouragement and the time she took explaining things to me. I learned about perseverance in this class even though that is not what the class was about. I created a PowerPoint about Instructional Design Principles for online courses. I had to create an evaluation tool to assess online courses. I also had to create a distance education mini-lesson. I create a webquest on Writing Topics. This webquest is about strategies to generate ideas to write about. Check it out at: . With the evaluation tool that we created, we had to assess the other CLC members.
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Learning in the Digital Age
Still a struggle to learn but I'm so thankful for an amazing and very understanding instructor, Dr. Jennifer Goldberg. She has continued to encourage me and help me understand the assignments. I will always be indebted to her for getting me through this course when I wanted to give up. We had to blog four times about different topics. They are posted on here. Our CLC projects were great. We created a brochure (attached below) . Then I create a penguin WebQuest. The objectives were based on Bloom's Taxonomy. Check it out at:
CLC - Brochure
This course was a challenge for me due to the head trauma and my inability to drive. I was fortunate to have a wonderful mentor to help me with this internship. Sandy, a former student, is an amazing teacher. With Sandy's help, I was able to create a tutorial flip chart for creating a PowerPoint. The tutorial flip chart for a PowerPoint would normally be an easy task but....the school has PC's and I'm used to using MAC's. So I had to learn how to use a PC and create this tutorial using a PC. There is definitely a difference. I was thrilled with all that the students learned. They also had the opportunity to teach another class how to create a PowerPoint presentation. It was exciting to see students teaching other students.
I had much help with the course work from another amazing instructor, Debra Foody. Her patience with me when I didn't understand was incredible. She encouraged me to keep going and not to give up. I finished my last course so I could graduate because of her continually being there to help me. Thank you Debra Foody!
My classmates were wonderful as well. They also encouraged me.
My classmate, Roberto, had been in every course with me which was incredible and I will miss his wisdom and knowledge of technology.
While in AZ for my graduation, I met another classmate, Christina. We had dinner one night and sat together at the graduation ceremony.
I had much help with the course work from another amazing instructor, Debra Foody. Her patience with me when I didn't understand was incredible. She encouraged me to keep going and not to give up. I finished my last course so I could graduate because of her continually being there to help me. Thank you Debra Foody!
My classmates were wonderful as well. They also encouraged me.
My classmate, Roberto, had been in every course with me which was incredible and I will miss his wisdom and knowledge of technology.
While in AZ for my graduation, I met another classmate, Christina. We had dinner one night and sat together at the graduation ceremony.